all postcodes in DT3 / WEYMOUTH

find any address or company within the DT3 postcode district

Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT3 5AA 24 0 50.629707 -2.452805
DT3 5AB 32 0 50.628218 -2.456566
DT3 5AD 35 0 50.629822 -2.453429
DT3 5AE 21 0 50.628349 -2.457458
DT3 5AF 29 0 50.629428 -2.457468
DT3 5AG 30 0 50.628855 -2.459103
DT3 5AJ 30 1 50.643088 -2.470695
DT3 5AN 1 1 50.64289 -2.469012
DT3 5AR 29 0 50.636648 -2.469289
DT3 5AS 1 1 50.637356 -2.469678
DT3 5AT 13 0 50.635142 -2.468044
DT3 5AU 14 0 50.636877 -2.470381
DT3 5AW 33 1 50.639836 -2.470396
DT3 5AX 14 1 50.635291 -2.466801
DT3 5AY 10 0 50.63628 -2.466868
DT3 5AZ 44 0 50.637417 -2.46794
DT3 5BA 5 0 50.638809 -2.468562
DT3 5BB 11 0 50.638491 -2.469265
DT3 5BD 47 1 50.638297 -2.466181
DT3 5BE 37 0 50.636151 -2.465382